1. Acceptance of Terms

1(a) By accessing and using the services provided by Pax Lilly Associates Ltd, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

1(b) Pax Lilly Associates Ltd reserves the right to modify or update these Terms and Conditions at any time. It is the responsibility of the user to review the terms regularly.

1(c) Your use of PAX LILLY ASSOCIATES LTDs server, website or purchasing of products - 

When you use this server, visit our website or purchase any of our products and services you must not do anything that’s against the law or which might cause distress or inconvenience to anyone else.

You must not try to get unauthorised access to this server or misuse it by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other harmful material.

The content material on this server is for information and guidance on your rights and responsibilities - it is not legal advice.

If you require legal counsel or representation you should contact your nearest Citizens Advice or a reputable solicitor. You can get help choosing and using a solicitor on the Law Society website.

2. Services Provided

2(a) Pax Lilly Associates Ltd provides legal services, including but not limited to [list of legal services], to individuals and businesses.

2(b) All services are subject to availability, and Pax Lilly Associates Ltd reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.

3. Client Responsibilities

3(a) Clients must provide accurate and complete information required for the provision of legal services.

3(b) Clients are responsible for keeping their account information, including login credentials, confidential.

4. Fees and Payment

4(a) Clients agree to pay the fees for services as outlined in the agreement between the client and Pax Lilly Associates Ltd.

4(b) Payment terms and methods are detailed in the invoice provided by Pax Lilly Associates Ltd

5. Confidentiality

5(a) Pax Lilly Associates Ltd will treat all client information with the utmost confidentiality.

5(b) Pax Lilly Associates Ltd may disclose information if required by law or if necessary to protect its rights.

6. Privacy Policy -

The Customer shall provide certain personal information to Pax Lilly Associates Ltd as requested and acknowledges that this is necessary for the provision of access to the Discord server and website Services. Pax Lilly Associates Ltd will treat any personal information collected in accordance with its Privacy Policy. Please read our separate Privacy policy for details, It explains how the information will be obtained, shared, and protected.

6(a). Information Commissioner's office (ICO)

Pax Lilly Associates Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).You can verify our ICO registration on the ICO’s official website using our registration number ZB566020.

7. Limits of liability -

7(a) Pax Lilly associates Ltds liability is limited to the amount paid by the client for the services.

At all times we try to provide the most accurate up to date open source information. This includes information we give: on this server and our website, by email, when you chat with us online. 

Being ’liable’ means being legally responsible for something.

We’re not liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience you experience as a result of: using our server or website, contacting us by email, or using our online chat.This is the case as far as the law allows, whether the loss, damage or inconvenience comes from contract, ‘tort’, or any other source.

‘Tort’ is the name given to an area of law related to people who are in positions of responsibility. It makes them liable if they don’t carry out the legal obligations that go with their positions.

This means we’re not liable for: Any loss of data or profits, interruptions or delays to the server or website when we can or can't provide a service any information, material, goods and services obtained through the server or website.

We can still be liable for death or personal injury caused by ‘negligence'. Negligence is when an organisation or person fails to take the care they should take when they do something.

You can read the full legal definition of negligence in the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, which is on the government’s legislation website.

We can also be liable for fraud or ‘fraudulent misrepresentation’, which is when someone says things they know aren’t true for their own benefit.

8. Claims brought by third parties -

We aim to provide a high quality service, but we can’t guarantee it will be uninterrupted or free from errors. We’re not responsible if a ‘third party’ brings a claim based on your use of our server or website. Third parties are people or organisations other than you or us. We’re not responsible for the content of websites we link to. By including links, we’re not endorsing the linked websites and we’re not connected to the people who run them. We can’t control the availability of pages we link to on other websites.

9. Contacting us by online -

When you contact us online, we can’t guarantee the information we send or receive won’t: be intercepted, corrupted, delayed or incomplete, contain viruses or be affected by other interference. We’re not liable for any damage that happens because of this. We’re not responsible for the safety of the information stored on any electronic device you’re using. Any information we give on this server is only intended for the person/persons it’s addressed to

10. High-Risk Business

Certain services provided by Pax Lilly Associates Ltd may involve addressing sensitive topics such as health, fitness, and finance. While we strive to offer accurate and reliable information, all users must acknowledge the inherent risks associated with these subject matters. Pax Lilly Associates Ltd shall not be held liable for any consequences or damages arising from the use of information provided on our website. Users are strongly advised to seek professional advice tailored to their specific circumstances, and any reliance on the content of this website is at their own discretion and risk. By accessing our services, users agree to release Pax Lilly Associates Ltd from any responsibility or liability related to the interpretation or application of the information presented on the platform.

11. Returns and Guarantees

11(a )Guarantees and Return Procedures - Pax Lilly Associates Ltd is committed to upholding consumer rights as mandated by law. If a customer finds our products or services unsatisfactory, they may be eligible for a return under the conditions specified in this section. This ensures a fair and transparent process for addressing customer concerns.

11(b) Payment Policy - Customers engaging in transactions with Pax Lilly associates Ltd are required to comply with the guidelines outlined in the Payment Policy. This includes information on acceptable forms of payment, the timing of payments, and the procedures for refunds or returns, providing clarity and transparency in financial transactions. Please carefully review this policy to facilitate a smooth and secure payment experience

11(c) If you are not satisfied with the products or services we have provided, we request that you contact us as soon as possible, this gives us the opportunity to address your concerns. 

11(d) All complaints must be sent to Enquiries@Pax-Lilly-associates.com and will be handled as defined by English law.

12. Termination of services

12(a) Clients may terminate services by providing Pax Lilly Associates Ltd with written notice and settling any outstanding fees.

12(b) Pax Lilly Associates Ltd reserves the right to terminate services for any breach of these Terms and Conditions or for any other reason with reasonable notice.

13. Intellectual Property

13(a) All content and materials provided by Pax Lilly Associates Ltd remain the intellectual property of Pax Lilly Associates Ltd

13(b) Clients may not reproduce, distribute, or display any materials without prior written consent from Pax Lilly Associates Ltd

14. Copyright Infringement

This clause is designed to safeguard the intellectual property of Pax Lilly Associates Ltd]. All content, including but not limited to text, designs, logos, and other creative materials, is owned and protected by copyright law. Users are expressly prohibited from duplicating, copying, or reproducing any content from this website without explicit permission. This includes the unauthorised use of designs, logos, and any proprietary information belonging to Pax Lilly Associates Ltd. By accessing our website, users agree to respect and abide by these copyright rules. Any infringement of these rights may result in legal action to protect our intellectual property. We encourage users to contact us for permission or clarification on the permissible use of our content to avoid unintentional copyright violations

15. Governing Law

This section establishes that the laws of England and Wales govern the interpretation, validity, and enforcement of these terms and conditions. By accessing and using the services provided by Pax Lilly associates Ltd, users agree that any disputes or legal proceedings arising from or related to these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. This choice of governing law provides clarity and consistency in the application and interpretation of the terms and conditions, ensuring a unified legal framework for both Pax Lilly associates Ltd and its users/clients.

16. Advertiser Relationships

This section is a legal requirement to transparently communicate our approach to advertising. Pax Lilly Associates Ltd wants all our users/clients to be aware that while we may display advertisements, we do not receive any endorsements or payments from advertisers. Our commitment to unbiased content means that our editorial decisions are based on facts and evidence. We only promote products or services that align with our values and standards. This disclosure is intended to build trust with our users/clients by providing clear information about our advertising practices and assuring them that our content remains impartial and independent

17.Contact Information

For questions or concerns regarding these Terms and Conditions, please contact Pax Lilly associates Ltd at Enquiries@Pax-Lilly-Associates.com