“The purpose of all law is justice”

- franz Rudolf Von weiss


Our mantra is: analyse, identify, assist, execute with integrity. Our mission is to create long standing relationships built on trust, to connect with businesses and individuals who share our core values. Our promise is that we’ll be there, as questions or issues arise, every step of the way.
We thrive on sharing our experience and knowledge to help you make a success of your business or personal circumstances. We believe that clear communication and expert collaboration is a recipe for success. Our associates are approachable, relatable and humble,
we pride ourselves on excellent customer service and welcome everyone to join us in creating a community of helping one another achieve success

We aim to INFORM – Providing expertly sourced easily accessible information on a range of relevant topics. We aim to search for the most up to date open source information available in order to equip all our clients and discord community members with the armoury they need to protect themselves from any unwanted legal issues or daily life challenges. This can be anything from businesses with complaints that need a keen legal eye. How to carry out due diligence including but not limited to online safety. We will help you carry out research into companies you are potentially contracting with.

If you are an individual member and require relevant information on societal issues such as housing law, social security law, disagreements – mediation. Our community is made up of experts in their own respective fields, we aim to assist in any way we can. WE CANNOT currently provide legal counsel or representation, what we can do is help you find the information you need to resolve your issue. Most cases do not make it to court, expensive legal representation, whilst necessary in some cases may not always be required. There are many things our associates can do to help you navigate a complex legal system. We can translate the legal terminology to help you better understand how the law may apply to a particular set of circumstances.

We aim to MOTIVATE people into better understanding how the law works, with knowledge and understanding comes confidence. – We will demonstrate our commitment to providing all our customers with excellent care and service, no one gets left behind! We believe there is a solution to most problems, and we will do everything in our power to help everyone find the solutions they are looking for.

Where We Fit In

In a landscape where legal aid is becoming increasingly eroded and organisations like Citizens Advice are overwhelmed with demand, our service aims to occupy a crucial middle ground. We do not seek to replace traditional legal services but to complement them by providing affordable, accessible support for those who may otherwise be unable to afford it. Our services are designed to fill the gap between high-cost legal fees and the lack of available legal aid, ensuring that everyone has access to the information and education necessary to navigate the legal system effectively.

Our Mission

Our mission is to democratise access to legal resources and ensure that justice is not reserved for the financially privileged. By offering a range of services that inform and educate, we empower individuals to take informed actions and understand their legal rights and obligations. We aim to alleviate the burden on overextended legal aid organisations and provide a reliable, affordable alternative for those in need of legal support.

Commitment to Ethical Standards

We are committed to upholding the integrity of the legal profession and do not seek to undermine the traditional system. Instead, we strive to work alongside established law firms and governing bodies to enhance access to justice for all citizens. By maintaining clear boundaries and adhering to ethical standards, we ensure that our services complement, rather than conflict with, the established legal framework.


    Discover our Education Hub, offering expertly crafted courses and video content designed by legal graduates to teach fundamental legal principles to beginners.


    Ensure thorough and informed decision-making with our comprehensive due diligence services


    Safeguard your interests with our robust fraud protection strategies and expert insights.


    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the commitment of businesses to contribute to sustainable economic development, enhance the quality of life for their workforce and their families, as well as the local community and society at large


Explore memberships 

Monthly Membership

Monthly access to our growing library of online legal material, legal education, Individual tailor made services and 1-on-1 consultation sessions PLUS - unlock free access to our Retail traders protection hub, including a link to our invite only discord community

Annual Membership
$539/yr — Get 1 month free

Annual access to our growing library of online legal material, legal education, Individual tailor made services and 1-on-1 consultation sessions PLUS - unlock free access to our Retail traders protection hub, including a link to our invite only discord community

Lifetime Membership
$995/yr — Get 1 month free

Lifetime access to our growing library of online legal material, legal education, Individual tailor made services and 1-on-1 consultation sessions PLUS - unlock free access to our Retail traders protection hub, including a link to our invite only discord community - This is a one off purchase

Let’s kickstart your legal education

We’ll be with you every step of the way.

What our clients say about us

  • Dave - Stock Sniper Trading

    “I highly recommend Luke’s services. His dedication and expertise have been invaluable to me for over three years. Trust him to provide top-notch legal assistance for your needs”

  • MRJ - Barrister

    "Luke has done excellent work for me in synthesising difficult case law into an easily digestible format. He is responsive, customer orientated and a pleasure to work with. I have no hesitation in recommending him. MRJ Barrister".

  • Matt - Mattophotography

    “We needed some paperwork drafting for our photography business. Pax Lilly went above and beyond and helped us put together everything we needed to ensure that the right paperwork was in place. They helped with all legal aspects and made sure that we thoroughly understood what was written in our terms and conditions should we need to amend them in the future. A massive thank you to the Pax Lilly team”

  • 100% Authentic Reviews